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AtrusteddisplaywithalongandstablelifetimeAcompletesolution,uptospeedwithradiologytodayIntervention-freeQAwithQAWebEnterpriseA++ecolabelthankstohighene... 产品型号:Nio Color 3MP (MDNC-3521) 产品状态:在产
产品价格:面议 品牌: 巴可BARCO

  当今普通放射学的 21 英寸 3MP 伴侣

  当今普通放射学的 21 英寸 3MP 伴侣

  我们的 Nio Color 3MP 显示器是现代放射学监视器系列的一部分, 可以为您提供所需的各种功能 。No fluff, no overload of functionalities.But a sleek thin bezel design and just those tools and technologies that help you process cases effortlessly and efficiently.

  A radiology monitor that fits your daily reading like a glove

  Nio 3MP 为您提供那些 真正有所作为的工具 。It boasts no less than 701 JNDs, so you can read detailed images with confidence.Its high luminance, I-Guard and Uniform Luminance technologies offer you a bright and stable screen quality.And the display also contains our SteadyColor and SteadyGray technologies for stable colors and grays.In any imaging modality.

  Clean desk, clear head

  以上所有功能都蕴藏于采用超薄边框的 优雅设计 中,和谐搭配医院或家里的办公桌。此外,您可以旋转 Nio 3MP 显示器,以纵向或横向格式显示。Combine it in multi-head arrangements, two or three or four heads, neatly arranged in an arc embracing you.

  A bright future

  使用 Nio 3MP,您可以获得 稳定的性能 ,以及完整的、保证 20000 背光小时数的 5 年保修。Furthermore, our unique set of Intuitive Workflow Tools offers you a series of productivity hacks for more focus, flexibility and comfort.For example, did you know that SpotView has been proven to decrease reading time with no less than 15.5%?In short: you can rest easy with this young companion.For many years to come.

  Always a clear view with QAWeb Enterprise

  QAWeb Enterprise 可帮助您 管理质量 ,并以更少的精力和更低的成本自信地确保不断扩展的医疗保健企业的合规性。This fully automated and secure system supports consistent image quality, stable performance and uptime for all PACS display systems across your enterprise.You can install QAWeb Enterprise for free on all our diagnostic and clinical review displays.

  Ensuring diagnostic confidence with MDR Class IIa

  Our radiology displays are MDR-certified as Class IIa.Their product information has been reviewed and cleared by independent medical and technical experts, and is audited yearly.In other words, we ensure diagnostic confidence and peace of mind for our users.

  Please consult your Barco representative or distributor in your country or territory to confirm availability.A reference to any product or service on this site does not imply that such product is or will be available in your location.


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